A place where everybody knows your name? A place where the decor is just as you like? Where the music is just right?
A place that smells like coffee or cake, or Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Cinnamon rolls, chocolate, or pie.
Maybe the one thing that always takes you back to another place and another time.
A place with nooks and books. Meats and sweets. A place that gives you that feeling that you belong. Maybe under a sign that says:
This is the sign you've been looking for.
A place where where everybody knows your name. Where your friends might debate in a frenzied state or be all-consumed in silence with little more than:
A place where you can smoke out front (or hey, maybe light up inside!).
Where you can come when you want. Stay as long as you want.
Where you can say what you fucking want or just eat!
A cafe of hope. Of history. Of making history and making money. A place for your family, your friends, your safe place, your honey.
What is this place?
It's YOUR place of course! Are you open for business? Share your stuff with the world.
You only have one life to live, one life to give.
Your. Place. Can. Be. Anything.
When was the last time you noticed a sign on the wall of of a restaurant, cafe, or coffee shop? What did it say? Did it make you mad or make your day or is your day just to full to care.
What do you have to say? Your cafe is about YOUR voice. Or your cafe can be a hub of collective voices and collective debate.
Your cafe is about choice.
A place where people know, people are all the same, where our troubles are all the same, and everybody's always glad you came.
A place to chat with others. To collaborate. To commiserate. Or just chow down.
What are you talking about, what are you selling?
Right. Blogs get that a lot. I mean, who writes a blog without trying to sell something. That's probably sad but true. Cafes.Live is no exception, but we try to be as transparent as possible.
We're selling you a shortcut.
A shortcut to activating what you're truly passionate about. To what's beautiful to you. To what you really wanna do.
I have spent 2 years in a frenzy trying to build my cafe. It was tough. I had to teach myself every step of the way. My cafe is a digital cafe that I host online that I hope one day to introduce to physical cafes around the world. Pretty wild, huh?!
My dream of a physical cafe starts with a digital cafe. I rent a small cloud server for $8/month and then try to fit as much as I can on it. And I mean a lot. I've literally deployed 100s of websites, dashboards, dozens of apps, blogs, and more on one single server. It's truly lit!
It all starts with a dashboard.
For me, it all started with a dashboard because it was a way for me to organize my info, just the way I want, and then put it front and center. Sign up for my service and you get a dashboard just like it. And most importatly, it's hosted on your own server. That means that it's yours through and through.
A dashboard can be a way to organize your thoughts and ideas, a place for building and running a business, you can do anything.
The revolution's in your mind. Get a dashboard.
Let me mention again how much I pay for a single server. $8/month. Those 182 dashboards in the video above. I fit that all on a single server. And that's not all. Check out the power under the hood of ONE single server:
Open-source is where it's at!
These apps are open-source apps, meaning pretty much free. For those that don't, open-source just means open source code. Apps that you can deploy and make your own. While not without its difficulties, the amount of stuff you're fitting on a single server is mind-blowing as evidenced above. I want to share with others what I have learned in deploying these open-source apps.
Are you ready to start a revolution? Do you know in your heart a way that can make the world a better place? Don't wait. Light it up!
I am here to guide you through the process of finding out what you were made to do. How you might take an idea and turn it into a bonafide business or just a place to go an hang out with your friends and loved ones.
Your place in the cloud could become your place around the corner.
Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away?
Start building your place today.

If you've come this far (who reads blogs anymore, am I right?!), then maybe I said something that resonated with you. Maybe you too have a big idea, want to open a cafe (physical or digital), or just want to try it out.
Here is your reward reading:
Sign up using the following link to get a lifetime 20% discount. Yep, a lifetime discount. As that beer commercial once said:
It doesn't get any better than this!
Chat with me directly anytime: